Grey Fleet Management
We make sure that if employees are using their own vehicles, they’re fit for purpose and meet all legal requirements.
Grey Fleet Vehicle Checks
What we do:
Ensuring that employees vehicles are fit for purpose and meet all legal requirements.
- Road Tax
- Business Insurance
How we do it:
- By providing a robust, legal and fully compliant management tool with realtime updates
- We monitor your drivers vehicles and let you know when there’s an issue – before it’s too late.
- Online driver enrollment
- Paperless system
- Electronic checking
- Instant checks results
- Robust driver follow-up
- Management KPI’s
Transparent Service
Transparent Pricing

A Breathe Of Fresh Air!
We have a large fleet which includes grey fleet and everything we did regarding license checks was done on paper, we are now paper free, fully electronic and unbelievably real time.
The team absolutely go out of their way to help. They make things easy and simple and just offer an all round fantastic service which has just relieved a huge admin burden for us and also a worry which we know driver-check will take care of.
Thanks guys!

Grey Fleet Explained
Grey Fleet is a descriptive term for any vehicles which do not belong to your company and the employee uses their own privately vehicle for business travel. Grey Fleet may include a vehicle purchased via an employee ownership scheme, a privately rented vehicle or a privately owned vehicle by an employee.
Tackling Grey Fleet
Tackling grey fleet can be challenging. DriverCheck will help keep your drivers on the right track as, driving their own car for business use can be difficult for fleets to control. We can deliver all the information you need using the automated DriverCheck Grey Fleet Management System. This can reduce costs and deliver further benefits, such as enhanced environmental performance, duty of care and corporate image.
Grey Fleet Driving for Work Laws
At DriverCheck we like to keep things simple. We help businesses ensure their Grey Fleet is both legal & compliant and work within the law.
Our system is there to ensure that your grey fleet is compliant. This includes checking for a valid MOT certificate, that your drivers have business insurance, and that they have valid road tax where applicable.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees while at work. Employers and employees also have a responsibility to ensure that others are not put at risk during any work-related driving activities.
Our Grey Fleet software solution ensures your business is compliant with current legislation. It also confirms appropriate business use insurance, MOT & Road Tax where applicable. We also include full alerting for renewal of any of these grey fleet areas of responsibility.
Warning…if a vehicle’s owner chooses to avoid any of the three areas of responsibility and continues to drive, the offences may go undetected indefinitely – unless the vehicle comes to the attention of the authorities. One sure-fire way to bring vehicle roadworthiness, tax and driver insurance under scrutiny is involvement in a road traffic accident.
Drivers who fail to observe their legal responsibilities are treated seriously by the courts. Commensurately, in cases where injury or death results, the implications are far more serious.
Grey Fleet communication
Communicating with the employee is a key and delicate step when introducing measures for risk reduction. Below you can find an example from British Telecom’s guide for employees, a manual created to help all drivers reduce their risk while driving on company business.
BT Example – Why do I need to provide details about my personal vehicle and insurance? If you drive your own private vehicle on BT business, BT has a duty of care to manage this, and help protect you. This is in line with the joint Health and Safety Executive and Department for Transport guidance on ‘’Driving at work’’. The questions about your own vehicle and insurance details are based on the minimum level of information BT is required to hold as part of the risk assessment process for managing its ‘grey fleet’ drivers. Increased attention is being focused on drivers using their own vehicle for work journeys by the regulators and professional bodies, which is why BT has now introduced this process in line with industry good practice and compliance requirements. It is particularly relevant because different types and ages of vehicle have different in-built safety, environmental and fuel efficiency standards. The data is only used to help BT better quantify and manage its exposures, risks and compliance.
Managing grey fleet safety European Transport Safety Council
Employers need a robust strategy to manage employee-owned vehicles used for business journeys, known as grey fleet, so here are some top tips to help.
Employers thinking about their grey fleet need to consider the implications of breaching the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.
All organisations running company car schemes require a clear grey fleet policy.
Employers can help to reduce their grey fleet risk by removing financial incentives, such as mileage reimbursement, which may incentivise employees to make unnecessary business trips by car.
“If an employee has an accident and somebody is killed, there could be questions asked about who has given the permission to drive, what the employer’s policy is and what procedures are in place, as well as whether there is insurance on their car, whether the car is fit for purpose and who owns the vehicle,”
John Pryor, chairman of the Association of Car Fleet Operators (ACFO)
Grey Fleet software
DriverCheck’s Grey Fleet Software Solution has been developed with our clients in mind, the DriverCheck’s grey fleet software solution is clear and concise according to the feedback we receive.
Various “DriverCheck” Grey Fleet software system users state:
The DriverCheck software solution is web-based, it’s intuitive to use, we like to keep things simple, on logging into the Grey Fleet & Driving Licence Solution you are greeted by a dashboard that features a road risk traffic light system and a demographic view of all your drivers KPI’s.
This one view provides a high-level driver summary of all statistics and it provides the drill down granular view from the summary page, making it a fast and very efficient way to gain the information you require.
No laborious searching for the driver information you require, no more long-winded reports that you have to review (there is a full management reporting suite where required).
Our Grey Fleet management solution provides a simple online risk management tool to manage grey fleet drivers ensuring you are meeting your health and safety requirements of the business.
The DriverCheck software solution will enable your business to have all the grey fleet data relating to both grey fleet drivers’ licence status and their vehicle credentials which is evidence that both are valid and up to date.
Contact Us
Garscadden House
3 Dalsetter Crescent
Glasgow G15 8TG
Let’s Talk
Our team works together to provide a trusted, professional, personal service, designed to meet the needs of your business.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help.