DriverCheck releases their fully GDPR compliant Electronic Driver Declaration function.

DriverCheck has gone electronic!

E-Declaration (Electronic Fair Processing Declaration) means that you no longer need to physically complete, sign, and return a paper mandate. This can be carried out online, whereby Drivercheck will contact the Driver directly via e-mail. All the Driver needs to do is confirm their details and provide their consent for Drivercheck to check their licence details on behalf of their Employer. The Drivers E-Declaration will last for 3 years, after which Drivercheck will contact the Driver directly by e-mail for renewal information prior to expiry. Drivers can provide electronic permission to have their licence checked, by receiving a link from DriverCheck to their email inbox. This process allows permission to check their Licence Record by entering a short process. This process means that no paperwork is completed. The result of the Licence Check is reported in the normal fashion in the Client’s Portal. DriverCheck can provide its clients with a simple process flow to help guide their drivers through this simple process “it takes about 30 seconds to complete”.

How to change from the “Fair Processing Declaration Form” or the “obsolete D796 form”
Existing Driver(s)

If the Driver is already on Drivercheck, all you need to do is to supply with the details ( contact DriverCheck to confirm fields required). DriverCheck will then send out an email containing a secure encrypted link to the Driver, inviting them to complete E-Declaration  (Electronic Fair Processing Declaration).

New Driver(s)

As above, however where multi drivers DriverCheck will supply our clients with a data entry file (where you can list all your driver’s details) and DriverCheck on return will import it into the DriverCheck portal and send them an email containing a secure encrypted link to the Driver, inviting them to complete E-Declaration  (Electronic Fair Processing Declaration).